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CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara)

No Zodiac signs

The 1st Ray of “Will and Power” is associated with this chakra symbol. This chakra is located at the top of the head and spins very quickly as a 1000 petal lotus…our direct connection to God. Guidance comes directly to us from the divine and is received through this chakra.

The life force from the creator penetrates into our energy system through the crown, and moves down through the other energy centers to the root chakra. From here we are inspired by God, and filled with Grace, because we have a strong connection to a power greater than ourselves. We live in present time and our spirits live in the now in harmony with our form and Will.

Blocks in this chakra cause confusion, depression, senility, fear of success and lack of inspiration. The flow of spiritual energy is blocked in both directions. When this happens spiritual addiction and over intellectualizing occurs, as well as dissociation with the body.

  • Can you feel a higher power governing your life?
  • Do you feel inspired, and open to new ideas?
  • Do you often feel confused or depressed?
  • Do you meditate?
  • Do you pray to God, thanking Him for all that you are, and show gratefulness for what you have?
  • Are you always complaining to God about your unhappiness?


Health Issue:

Migraines, brain tumors, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, and skin disorders.

Transcendence of the unloving imprints within this chakra:

“I and my Father are one in complete harmony with my Will.”

Forgiveness releases the charge of old imprints from the mind and the chakras. It starts at the source of the problem in the first place…the way we think.

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Looking to sweat out the stress at work? Call us at 6908 7498 and schedule your 2 FREE sessions in our east side outlet at Tampines. We are located at Tampines Point.

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