While it may seem like the arms are doing all the work, every part of the body needs to lift itself for flight. In any arm balance, a strong and engaged core, back and legs lifts and protects the arms and wrists from strain and injury. Additionally, lifting and toning internally through engagement of the bandhas takes arm balances to a new level. When the whole body works as a unit, flight becomes more easily attainable, sustainable and fun!
Yoga not only helps attain inner peace but also helps strengthen and tone muscles.
Benefits of Arm Balancing Poses
- Helps strengthen arm muscles
- Helps strengthen the wrists
- Helps strengthen the upper back
- Helps strengthen the abdominal muscles
- Tones stomach and arm muscles
- Flattens the abdomen
- Strengthen the Body to Protect the Shoulder Joints
- Boost Prana Flow
- Encourage Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Confidence
Date : 27 – 28 Jan 2018 (Sat and Sun)
Time : 3.00 – 5.30pm (2.5 hours)
Instructor : Krishna
Fees : One workshop S$50, Two workshops S$95
Workshop content
- Proper warm up stretches to prevent injury
- Benefits of each pose
- Name of the asana and the story behind
- Techniques to get into the pose
- Variations and options
- Twelve arm balancing poses will be covered, 6 in each day